It’s November and it’s cold. Take comfort though in my credit crunching tips to help you winterise your home - protecting you and your investment. (Image courtsesy of energysavingtrust.org)
1. Beat the drafts
1. Beat the drafts
Worried about the draft? Drafts can waste 5 to 30% of your energy use. Start simple and adopt that old fashioned fixture – the excluder. Place a rolled bath towel or custom-made "snake" across the bottom of leaky doors and windows. Seal all the draughts around windows and doors will keep you warmer and lower the cost of your bills. Your letterbox can let in a nasty draught so fit a nylon brush seal or spring flap.
2. Turn down your water heater
Reduce hot water temperature - Set your water heater to the "normal" setting, unless the owner's manual for your dishwasher requires a higher setting. Savings are 7-11 percent of water heating costs. Insulate the first five feet of pipe coming out of the top of your water heater or the whole length until the pipe goes into the wall if that is less than five feet. Pipe insulation is available from your hardware store. You can also save money by insulating pipes.
3. Insulate, insulate and insulate
It may not be sexy but insulating your home can save you hundreds of pounds. Half of typical home heat loss is via walls, floors and lofts so make sure you insulate these key areas.
4. Reduce your thermostat
Turn down your thermostat - For every degree you lower your heat you'll save up to 5 percent on heating costs. Wear warm clothing like a sweater and set your thermostat lower during the day and evening, health permitting. Set the thermostat back to its normal position or off at night or when leaving home for an extended time saving 5-20 percent of your heating costs.
5. Give your Boiler an MOT
You give your car a regular service and so you should your boiler. Now is the time to get your boiler ready for winter; book a service with a qualified and reputable heating engineer so you can sort out any small faults before they cause a breakdown which can cost thousands. A serviced boiler will also work more efficiently, which can save you energy and money
6. Think curtains
Open windows on the sunny side of the house when the sun is up so that the sun can warm the rooms. Close all curtains when it gets dark.Do not have furniture close to or in front of radiators. If you have deep windowsills, curtains should sit neatly on top of them and not cover the radiator. Use lined curtains to keep the cold out and warm in
7. Heat reflective foil behind radiators
Fit heat reflective foil behind radiators on outside walls to keep the heat inside your home, with the shiny side facing into the room.