Friday, 18 April 2008

Junk Mail - The postman hates it!!

Junk Mail - don't we just hate it? I had 4 pieces through my letter box today alone. I am registered with the Mailing Preference Service (MPS) to stop much of this junk mail but you do have to renew every year and i had let mine lapse.

Unwanted mail is not something we just have to live with. We have the power to be more selective about what comes through our letterbox.

MPS is for you and everyone who wants to be removed from up to 95% of direct mail lists in the UK.


The MPS stops personally addressed unsolicited mail. Once you are registered it takes between one to four months for the service to have full effect, though you should notice a reduction of mail during this time. Meanwhile, any junk mail that you get through the post can be recycled. Check out Recycle for Gloucestershire for more information


To register with the Mailing Preference Service:
Visit or Download, complete & send the attached registration form, or
Call 0845 703 4599 (local rates)

These other preference services are great for getting rid of unwanted annoying sales people and faxes

Telephone Preference Service
Fax Preference Service

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