'Green electricity' means electricity produced from sources which do not cause negative impacts upon the environment. Of course, every type of electricity generation will have some impact, but some sources are much greener than others. The cleanest energy sources are those which utilise the natural energy flows of the Earth. These are usually known as renewable energy sources, because they will never run out.
Green electrical companies such as Ecotricity harness power from natural sources, like the wind power, the sun (solar power) and water (wave), that don't pollute and don't contribute to climate change.
Deep green electricity sources
There are other sources of green electricity. We call these Pale Green, because in most cases they involve some form of burning and there is some associated environmental impact. Examples of Pale Green sources include sewage, landfill gas and biomass. The first two provide a non-intermittent and comparatively cheap source of power and in most cases enable significant greenhouse gas savings compared to conventional sources. Pale Green sources helped Ecotricity to kick start the UK's green electricity market place and to get them where they are today, but they are no longer a feature of our generation. Our focus is on building new Deep Green capacity: the most important factor in reducing the threat of climate change.
The future of green electricity
Creating new Deep Green energy sources is crucial in the fight against climate change. This will mean a significant boost to green electricity capacity in the UK and will have a major positive impact on the environment; reducing Carbon Dioxide, other gas emissions and pollution. Every unit of green electricity that is made directly replaces electricity normally generated from conventional polluting sources.
Green Electricity Policies
Green Electricty companies should adhere to the following standards when it comes to their policies:
Increase the use of green electricity.
Minimise energy use wherever possible. Continual improvement on environmental issues where economically feasible.
Control the activities of the company to minimise risk of pollution to the environment.
Minimise the production of waste where possible and any disposal of waste produced will be carried out with due care for the environment.
Minimise the use of new products where other recycled materials are a suitable substitute.
Make every effort to ensure that where waste materials or products can be recycled they are recycled in an environmentally responsible way in order to conserve resources.
Be a responsible employer and neighbour.
Ensure that all employees carry out their duties in line with the above statement and, through training, are aware of their obligations.
Minimise the use of mobile phones and monitor existing use.
Ensure that our operations comply with or exceed current legislation and other relevant requirements
Just stumbled on your blog(s)! Good to see another glos bod trying to make a difference.
Green Electricity - ah yes - that's something I know a thing or two about ;-)
Let me know if you want to know any more info on the current state of the market...
How are you finding blogger btw? I use Wordpress for most of my blogs (not wordpress.com) for total control and SEO-ability.
Hi Paul, Can i grab your blog address?
Ooops.. I forgot to check back!
I manage http://zerocarbonista.com for Dale...
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